04 May 2009

I'm A Little Teapot...

...and tea kettle...

This may come as a shock, but, apparently the place to get a cute teapot is in the U.K. Since the cost of shipping would most likely push the price out of the range of our intended audience, I tried to keep it all American. This proved to be quite the challenge, apparently only resulting with blue and red teapots.

The quest was worth it, however, because a cheery little teapot is the perfect kitchen accessory. Here is what I found:

1. This proud little pot from Down to Earth Toys

2. A classic KitchenAid model

3. Behold! Bed Bath and Beyond!

4. This little stout one from Essential Kitchen Stuff

5. An adorable polka dot from The Afternoon

6. Can't you see Mrs. Pott's face on this one from The Tea Table?


  1. i like the polka dots one. i bet you can find cute ones at like salvation army.

  2. i like the polka dot one too. it reminds me of a ladybug. =)
