Ok, so you're feeling crafty, and those ladies at The Kitschnettes have been slacking on the DIY ideas (don't worry, we'll have plenty in the near future), what do you do? How about taking a look at Dorm Decor: Remake Your Space With More Than 35 Projects? This book, originally intended to spice up dorm rooms with individuality, is chock full of great ideas to help transform your space (which, let's face it, will likely not have much more room than a dorm room anyway). These sewing projects add a little flair to your bed, study space, closet, common areas and bathroom. They vary in difficulty and wow-factor, but I could see myself attempting most of these projects (I might even have to have a crafting day tomorrow). My favorites are the towels embellished with birds (see my decorating scheme), the tongue-in-chic Magritte pencil pouch (Ceci n'est pas un crayon) and the cosmetics carryall. And, while I'm probably not making them, I love their idea of making a stuffed animal out of a blown up picture of your pet at home and a closet organizer shaped like a dress that hangs from a hanger. They also include information on how to buy and care for fabric and sewing tools, and there's a pocket on the back cover stuffed with templates and patterns.
Bonus idea! A few nights after you move in, invite a couple of similarly crafty friends over to each make a project from the book for a house-warming party that's both fun and useful.
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